bad argument: an operand is missing (e.g. "1 *" instead of "1 * 8" etc.) bad argument: an operator is missing (e.g. "1 2" instead of "1+2" etc.) function "%s" was never defined bad function call the expression is too mind boggling for me cannot understand this expression there are too many right square braces the square braces are not closed the square braces are not balanced illegal associative array use there are too many right parentheses the parentheses are not closed the parentheses are not balanced the expression is too complicated could not understand the line could not make sense of the line the number is FAR too long a string starts with '"', but does not end with one The built-in function '%s' requires %d arguments, but you specified %d. the "%s" command cannot have %d arguments I cannot understand "%s" Did you mean "%s", or "%s", or maybe something else? The statement ended a bit too soon This statement began as assignment statement to an associative array, but it did not end as such cannot handle this LONG line A Library cannot be read inside a Function... A new Function cannot start inside another Function... A Library command cannot be a part of a function... Illegal argument in the Function declaration... The Function has no body... Illegal Function declaration... Illegal Function declaration... You must save this program before using the Library command. The library has non-function stuff. Cannot load it. The library has errors. Open and Run it to see what's wrong. The Library command has a bad or missing library name. The Library file does not exist.